About Oratech

company is a professional company in Information Technology field, It is performing an integrated services for all the updated technological services needs for the companies, corporations and persons, like applications design, programming, web sites hosting, backups, lost data restore, accounting and financial applications and systems automation procedures (automatic solutions without human effort).
Performance planning in depends on perform the services on the high level of performance standards to guaranteed the high quality services to its customers.
Company has the best integrated and professional team in planning, design, development and support, and they have huge experience in design, developments and programming desktop and web applications.
In addition of the Company features in the market is the best planning to deliver the solutions in deadline time, this is by preparing the analysis and design schedule to avoid all obstacles and problems.
Should give and company team their rights who have non-traditional solutions to satisfy the customers by using the best new technologies.
No way company team passing the deadline to finish their works even any problems happened to get the customer trust.
company established on 1987 to develop the software and give the customers all consultations, It has an integrated solutions for all activities with the best services and cost.